About Us

Hi Friend,

I am an Engineer by profession

but Blogger by passion.

I have been doing blogging and

Engineering since

2020, and I write some notes and also find Important Concept for students by my Study experience .

I am passionate about sharing
my all learnings and
experiences of my Study, Engineering,
Different type of entrance exams like Mht Cet , Jee main , Neet , privius years question etc from this Blog

In Studying journey you may
fail at one point but i am here to
hang you around me until you
are willing to tie with me.

For those who are curious about
my birthplace then i am coming
from  Maharashtra

Let's first talk about who i am
and why you should follow me
and Smart Study.

Why You Should Listen to Me?

Well, I already explained brief
about me but i know it is not
good enough to trust on mny

Blogging is a game of passion and practice after listing and learning right strategy.

Smart Study is brought with a vision to turn your Educational dreams into value streams for you and others.

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