Enhancement in Food Production:Past (Previous)Years Questions with Complete Solution by mastrestudytip

   Hii guys, blog I provide past years questions of chapter Enhancement in Food 
 Production.this are very helpful for Mht cet.
Past years questions of entrance exam:
(1)The science of changing and improving the heredity of plants is called
                                          [MH-CET 2019]
(A)Plant physiology 
(B)Plant breeding
(C)Plant pathology
(D)Plant anatomy
  correct option is (b)

(2) Pusa Sadabahar is resistant to
                                            [MH-CET 2019]
(A) Black rot
(B)Chilli mosaic virus
(D)Fruit borer
  right answer is (b)

(3) Golden rice, a transgenic crop contains which of the following improved trait?                   [Mht cet2019]
(A)High protein content
(B)High vitamin-A content
(C)Insect pest resistance
(D)High lysine content.
  correct option is (b)

(4)Which one of the following disease is caused by bacteria? [Mht cet2018]
(A) Black rot of crucifers
(B)Red rot of sugarcane
(c)Late blight of potato
(D)Brown rust of whe
    A disease caused by bacteria is tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is cause by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that most often after the lungs.

(5) "Pusa Sadabahar" is resistant to
                                   [ Mht cet 2018]
(A)Leaf and stripe rust
(B)Leaf curl and chilli mosaic virus
(C)Curl blight black rot
(D)Black rot
   correct option is (b)

(6) Explant used for the production of disease froe plants is_  [ Mht cet 2018]
(A) Apical meristem
(B) Vascular tissue
(C)Cork cambium
(D)Intrafascicular cambium
   correct option is (a)

(7) Choose the correct option of sequence of steps for hybridization experiment.                    [MH-CET 2019]
(A)Dusting of pollens, emasculation, bagging, tagging
(B) Bagging, tagging, emasculation, dusting of pollens
(C)Emasculation, dusting of pollens, bagging, tagging
(D)Emasculation, bagging, tagging, dusting of pollens
   correct option is (d)

(8)Which method of plant breeding has been used to develop powdery mildew resistant variety of moong beans?
                                         [MH-CET 2019]
(A) Mutation breeding
(C)Selective breeding
(D)Tissue culture
   correct option is (a)

(9) Emasculation is necessary during hybridization ini case of
                                         [MH-CET 2019]
(A) Sterile flower
(B)Unisexual flower
(c)Bisexual fower of male parent
(D)Bisexual flower of female parent
   Emasculation refers to the process of removal of anthers from the bisexual flowers. The removal of anthers is done without injuring the pistil. This process is carried out as a part of various plant hybridization techniques wherein plant breeders pollinate the bisexual flowers with pollen grains to get desired varieties. This process has no validity in the case of plants with unisexual flowers.
 that's why option (b) is right

(10)Pusa shubhra is a variety of
                                            [Mht Cet2015]
(C) chili
(D) cauliflower
   Pusa shubhra is a variety of cauliflower. It belongs to third maturity group.  Curds are compact, slightly conical, creamish white in colour, non-ricey and non-leafy. It is suitable for rainy season. Curds do not fade even under delayed harvesting and storage

So, the correct answer is 'Cauliflower'
that's why option (d) is righright

(11) High levels of Aspartic acid, low nitrogen and sugar content in maize plants prevent the attack
                                            [MH-CET 2016]
(A)Stem borers
(C)Boll woms
(D) Jassids
    Maize plant exhibits an example of the development of pest resistance due to biochemical characters.Low nitrogen, sugar and high aspartic acid impart the plants resistance to stem borers which is one of the most serious pests of these plants. Cotton plants exhibit the resistant to jassids due to the presence of hairy leaves. Aphids affect plants of mustard family and beans.
that's why option (a) is right

(12). Remarkable increase in rice production from 35 million tones to 89.5 million tones during 1960-2000 was mainly due to
                                            [MH-CET 2016]
(A) Introduction of Golden rice
(B)Improved semidwarf varieties
(C)Cultivation of wild varieties
(D)Increased use of chemical fertilizers
   Introduction of m IR-8 and Taichung Native-1 varieties of rice in 1966 resulted in a tremendous increase in rice production from 1960 – 2000. The semidwarf varieties were smaller in size than the dwarf varieties and exhibited increased production.
 that's why option (a) is right

(13)The pH of nutrient medium in plant tisue culture is adjusted between
                                           [MH-CET 2017]
    The optimal pH for most tissue cultures is in the range of 5.0-6.0 as at pH higher than 7. and lower than 4.5 the plant cells stop growing in cultures. pH above 6.0 gives the medium hard appearance while pH below 5.0 does not allow gelling of the medium
that's why option (b) is right

(14) Semidwarf rice variety IR-8 was developed in.                    [Mht cet 2015]
  The Semidwarf rice varieties are lodging resistant, fertilizer responsive, high yielding and photoinsensitive.

So, the correct answer is 'Philippines'.
that's why option (c)is right.

(15) To induce formation of organs in a callus it is necessary to provide
                                             [Mht cet 2015]
(B)growth hormones
   Growth hormones also known as phytohormones are organic substances which influence the physiological process in plants. In tissue culture, an unorganized and undifferentiated mass of rapidly dividing cells are formed is called as callus. To induce the formation of organs, growth hormones like cytokinin and auxin are added in a specific concentration. Cytokinin is essential for the development of roots while auxin promotes shooting

So, the correct answer is 'Growth hormones'
that's why option (b) is right

(16) The technique of producing large number of genetically similar plants within short time bytissue culture is called
                                            [MH-CET 2015]
(A) Somatic hybridization
(C)Protoplast culture
   Plant tissue culture, more technically known as micropropagation, can be broadly defined as a collection of methods used to grow large numbers of plant cells, in vitro, in an aseptic and closely controlled environment. This technique is effective because almost all plant cells are totipotent – each cell possesses the genetic information and cellular machinery necessary to generate an entire organism. Micropropagation, therefore, can be used to produce a large number of plants that are genetically identical to a parent plant, as well as to one another. 
that's why option (d) is right.

(17) The secondary metabolite obtained from Catharanthus roseus is
                                           [ Mht cet 2015
(C) anthocyanin
   A. Vincristine is an anti-cancer drug produced from Catharanthus roseus as secondary metabolite.
that's why option (d) is right.

 (18)What is NOT true about emasculation of a flower while performing an artificia 3/4
                                             [Mht cet 2016]
(A)It is removal of anthers from flower
(B)It is done before anthesis
(C)It is to avoid self pollination
(D)It is done in flowers of plants selected as male parent
   Emasculation is the removal of anthers in a bisexual flower to prevent self-pollination. It is done before the flowering period(anthesis). The female reproductive part is not involved in this process. It is a technique used by plant breeders to obtain the desired variety by crossing a plant with the desired pollen grain obtained by emasculation. 

So, the correct answer is 'It is done in flowers of plants selected as male parent'.
that's why option (d)is right.

Other chapter questions link given below

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