Animal husbandry: Past (previous) years questions for entrance exam by masterstudytip.

      In this blog I provide past years questions of chapter Animal husbandry with proper solution in simply language.
For new update follow this blog .this questions are very helpful for Mht cet.

Previous chapter link given below

Past years questions of Mht cet with proper solution:
(1) Hisardale is a breed by crossing
                                            [MH-CET 2019]
(A)Female Horse and male Donkey
(B) Male Horse and female Donkey
(C)Bikaneri rams and Marino ewes
(D)Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams
   Hisardale is a new breed of sheep which was developed in Punjab by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams. So the correct option is "Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams"
that's why option (d) is right

(2) In poultry, one of the following is best layer.                          [MH-CET 2019]
(B)Plymouth Rock 
(C)Rhode Islant Red 
  right option is (d)

(3) In Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer, cow is administered with
to induce follicular.        [MH-CET 2019]
(C)follicle simulating hormone
right option is (c).

(4)Bacterial poultry diseases is
                                      [MH-CET 2019]      
(A) Aspergillosis
Diseases caused by Bacteria
 that's why option (d) is right

(5) Lac is used in the manufacture of following products EXCEpt                           (MH-CET 2018)
Lac or Laksha is resin and wax mixture secretion from a scale insect as a hard protective covering. It is a natural commercial resin of animal origin. It has a reddish or dark brown color with a disagreeable smell.
that's why option (d) is right

(6) All of the following are marine Fish EXCEPT.                            [MH-CET 2018]
Marine fishes are the fishes that live in ocean water . They are also called as salt water fishes. Hilsa is an example of marine fish.
Whereas rohu, catla and common carp are the freshwater fishes

(7) In MOET technique,
is administered to bring about super ovulation.                        [MH-CET 2017]
(C) LH
   MOET stands for Multiple ovulations embryo transfer. This is a technique used on a large scale for cattle breeding. The FSH hormone stimulates the process of superovulation in which a large number of secondary oocytes can be obtained for the production of many embryos
 that's why option (b) is right.

(8) Transgenic animals are extensively used for all of the following procedures EXCEPT.                             [Mht cet 2017]
(A) Bioremediation
(B) Chemical safety
(C) Vaccine safety
(D) Toxicity test
   The technique of cleaning the environment with the help of microbes, plant and animal species is called bioremediation. The organisms involved in bioremediation have the ability to breakdown harmful toxic components of the environment. The genes responsible for the breakdown of toxic components are selected and introduced into other organisms by the process of transgenesis. Such animals can be also used for bioremediation
that's why option (a) is right.

(9) Mule is an example of
                                           [MH-CET 2017]
(A) Cross-breeding
(B) Interspecific Hybridization
(C) Out-breeding
(D) Out-crossing
     Hybridization is the crossing between two animals of different species to produce a new variety called hybrid. The crossing between two different species of the same genus is called interspecific crossbreeding. Horse and donkey belong to the same genus Equus. A mule is obtained by a cross between a male donkey and female horse. 
that's why option (b) is right.

(10)Lac is used in the
                                            [MH-CET 2016]
(A)Production of Isinglass
(B)Production of guano
(C)Production of soaps
(D)Silvering mirrors
   Lac has been used in India for a thousand years. The detailed habit and behavior of Lac insect are given in Atharva Ved. In Mahabharata, Kauravas built a palace of Laksha, the Laksha Griha as a conspiracy to kill Pandavas. Lac has diverse uses.

(11) Bacterial poultry diseases mainly include.                              [ Mht cet 2016]
(A)Avian influenza, Bronchitis, Ranikhet 
(B) Enteritis, TB, CRD
(C)Favus, Thrush, Aspergillosis
(D)Bird Flu, Coccidiosis, Pullorum
   Ranikhet, bronchitis, avian influenza and Bird Flu are the viral diseases of the poultry. Favus is a fungal disease. Enteritis is caused by Clostridium perfringens, TB by Mycobacterium avium and CRD is caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum. 
 that's why option (b) is right.

(12) Which of the following is NOT a breed of buffalo?
                                         [MH-CET 2014]
(B) Nili
      Buffalo species are originated in India. Various breeds of buffaloes are Murrah, Bhadawari, Jaffarabadi, Surti, Mehsana, Nili and Nagpuri. These are all water buffaloes. Gir is the breed of cattle found in Gujarat

So, the correct answer is 'Gir'
that's why option (a) is right

(13) Which of the following are NOT produced as transgenic animals ?
                                            [MH-CET 2016]
(A)Sheep and Pig
(B) Rat and Rabbit
(C)Dog and Banded Krait
(D)Cow and Fish
   Transgenic animals are those animals in which foreign gene is inserted into their genome. These are created by injecting foreign DNA in embryonic stem cell. Rat is the most common transgenic animal used in research due to short reproduction cycle. Transgenic pigs are used as a source of organs for transplants. Dolly, the sheep is the first transgenic animal. Transgenic rabbits are used to produce recombinant human C12 esterase inhibitor. Some other transgenic animals that have been produced are cow, goats, fish, etc. These animals are used to produce more protein in milk and meat, disease resistance, good quality wool and improvement in genetic traits. 
that's why option (c) is right.

(14) Following are all breeds of cows, EXCEPT.                         [MH-CET 2015]
(B) Nagpuri
(C Sahiwal
(D) Jersey
    Cattle breeding is basically meant for two main purposes: milking as well as ploughs. India has 37 pure breeds of which Sahiwal, Gir and red Sindhi are bred for their milking capabilities.

Jersey belongs to the exotic dairy cattle breeds.

Nagpuri is a breed of buffaloes.

So, the correct answer is 'Nagpuri'.
that's why option (b) is right.

(15) The marine fish among the following varieties is
                                         [MH-CET 2015]
     Freshwater fish are those that spend some or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05%. 

Examples : Rohu (Labeo), Catla (common carp), Cirrhina, Hilsa, Kajli, Tilapia.

Saltwater fish, also called marine fish, are fish that live in ocean water. Examples: Ocean sunfish, Angelfish, Stromateus.

So, the correct option is 'Stromateus'
that's why option (a) is right 

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